3 years ago
Essential Information on Arkansas Mandated Reporter Laws
Throughout the United States, certain individuals are required to report suspected abuse of children and adults depending on their profession. The consequences of failing to report can vary depending on where you work, making it important to thoroughly understand mandated reporting requirements in your area.
If you're a professional in Arkansas, make sure you have a thorough understanding of the state’s mandated reporting laws and how they impact your profession.
When Was Mandated Reporting of Abuse First Required in Arkansas?
The requirement for states to designate certain individuals as mandated reporters of child abuse dates back to the passage of the Federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) in 1974. CAPTA requires states to select certain individuals as mandated reporters of suspected incidences of child abuse or neglect.
In Arkansas, the professions that are required to report child abuse are outlined in A.C.A. § 12-18-402, dating back to 2009 with several updates in years since.
Similarly, the push to require certain individuals to report elder abuse has long been a subject of national importance. By 1981, 83% of states indicated that they supported federal legislation for the mandatory reporting of adult abuse. In Arkansas, these requirements are outlined in A.C.A. § 12-12-1708, a law that dates back to 2005, with several updates since then.
Current Mandated Reporting Requirements in Arkansas
Arkansas designates some professionals as mandated reporters of suspected abuse. These individuals have a responsibility to report suspected abuse and neglect to the appropriate authorities.
Arkansas requires certain professions to report child abuse, which includes, among other professionals
- Child care workers and teachers
- Coroners
- Medical professionals, dentists, and mental health professionals
- Domestic abuse advocates and domestic violence shelter employees
- Foster parents
- Law enforcement officials
Arkansas also has reporting requirements in place mandating that certain professionals report suspected abuse of seniors and dependent adults. These individuals include, among others:
- Medical professionals
- Social workers
- Law enforcement professionals
- Firefighters
- Bank employees
- Post office employees
Surgeons, physicians, and other medical professionals are also required to report all knife or gunshot wounds that appear intentionally inflicted to the county sheriff.
More Resources
Mandated reporters who work in Arkansas have many resources available to them to help perform their duties. To learn more, visit:
The laws governing the mandated reporting of abuse can vary from state to state and profession to profession, as do the consequences of failing to perform that duty. Join NAMR to stay up to date.